Santa Anita | Race 7 | | Mizdirection Stakes | May 18th | | 7:39 PM E
#4 Getthemoney (7/2) Win and Place
The horse has shown improvement in speed figures over the past four races. In the Grade 3 Monrovia Stakes on April 6th, he achieved a career-high 102 Equibase Speed figure, finishing a close 3rd while running a bit wide. This 4-year-old filly by Midnight Lute has finished in the top three in five out of six career starts. With two career wins, jockey Juan Hernandez guided him to victory in his only race with him on the irons two starts back over the same 6 ½ furlong downhill turf course. The third race off an extended layoff is often a horse’s best. Trainer Brian Koriner and jockey Hernandez win 67% with an ROI of +357% when teaming up. The horse has been training exceptionally well, and we expect a strong performance.
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