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Home / Articles / Free Sports Game Preview and Prediction: Dallas Cowboys vs. Tampa Bay Buccaneers (NFL)

Free Sports Game Preview and Prediction: Dallas Cowboys vs. Tampa Bay Buccaneers (NFL)

By: Jesse Schule     Date: Jan 16, 2023
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Free Sports Game Preview and Prediction: Dallas Cowboys vs. Tampa Bay Buccaneers
Monday, January 16, 2023 8:15 PM
Play: Point Spread: 3/-110 Tampa Bay Buccaneers
This is a free play on TB. I don't really have any faith in either of these two teams, and I am not excited about betting on either of these two QBs. That being said, the Cowboys are asked to cover points on the road and I think the Bucs have more upside. Dak has looked terrible at the end of the season, and so has Tom Brady. The GOAT has shown flashes of brilliance though in come from behind wins over the Saints, Cardinals and Panthers. Expecting Brady to play poorly in the playoffs may be a fools errand. GL, Jesse Schule

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